Okay, so not sure who else is a die hard fanatic of Logo TV's
The A-List New York, a reality show that follows 5 gay
D-List fame whores men of the NYC upper crust through the trials and tribulations that come with modeling, owning salons, dressing in drag, and weekending in Fire Island. To think we're conerned about healthcare in this country, come on America, these boys have it rough.
Which brings me to our clip. Austin, the blond who I pray every night will switch teams and love me, is a well, yeah, a douchebag who is in an EPIC fight with Derek (not present in clip). Derek, who reminds us a least 4859384 times an episode that Austin is "uncouth," cannot stand the fact that Austin has no problem being naked in front of other people. He sucks. Anyway, TJ, the fabulous ginger who is unfortunately on Derek's side, fights with Austin about his attitude and his "mission" to piss Derek off by constantly removing his clothing, showing everyone his member, and then changing into a Louis Vuitton bathing suit. Label Whore. Hypocrite. Who cares. Recall, I told you how hard these boys have it.
Among my group of friends, any situation where there is a pool, alcohol, Louis Vuitton items, and naked men is never accompanied by fighting. Maybe by something else. But oh well, boys will be boys.